We got the nursery mostly organized, decorated and supplied. We installed a car seat base in each of our cars. After learning that over 80% of these things are installed improperly, Heather is headed to the fire department tomorrow where they'll check our work.
After much debate and some advice from real parents of real children we have decided to go with an old-fashioned rocking chair and not get one of those new-fangled glider rocking chairs--for now. If we get the sense that the rocker ain't doing the job? It's off to Babies R Us.
Amid all the soothing colors and despite the shade tree, you may notice the Diaper Champ in the lower left-hand corner. It's a subtle, constant reminder that there's gritty work ahead. Are we ready? I can only hope that enthusiasm and good intentions will compensate for anything we've forgotten up until now.
As you can see, Heather is handling pregnancy all in stride. So far, she's been feeling very good. I have every confidence she's going to come through all of this with flying colors. Wish us well and stay tuned!