In other news the oh-so-inconsistent Carolina Panthers are 1-0 when Lucy tailgates prior to their home games. Even more impressive, they average over 200 yards rushing and allow zero points on "D." I'm referring to the November 19th game against the St. Louis Rams, of course. Since then the Panthers lost in an embarrising effort against the Redskins. I digress.

Jamie, Maija, Kjell, Heather, Lucy and I feasted on (Bojangles) chicken and biscuits prior to the game. It's worth noting that Lucy did not actually attend the game. Dad went with Jamie. It's also worth noting that we tailgated alone in Daddy's parking deck where it was easy for the mommies and children to escape traffic prior to kickoff--and it was free.

You can't really tell, but Lucy has on a great little Panther's outfit under her sweatshirt. Obviously, Kjell in his shades was the coolest kid in the parking deck. You can click to enlarge any of these photos. I've got some good Thanksgiving photos coming soon!