Friday, May 18, 2007

Scooting... Crawling... Pulling up... Soon to be walking!

Lucy is going through all of these stages so quickly, it's hard to keep up. I have great video of her crawling, but she'll be walking before I figure out how to post it. So, in the meantime I'll let you know that she is now crawling everywhere- beware leaving her in a room on her own. She also pulls up on anything she can reach. Her favorite things in reach are the laundry basket (which she also enjoys emptying) and her toy chest from her best buddy, Kjell. -By the way, she was smiling before I took this picture.-

Bethesda or Bust!

Over Mother's Day weekend, Lucy visited her Bethesda relatives (Nana's side) for the first time. She had a great time meeting everyone!

Great Aunt Lois

Lucy enjoys visiting her Great Aunt Lois who lives here in Charlotte. At her last visit, she was lucky to also see her cousin, Chip, who was visiting from China.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Little Drummer Girl

While I'm on a roll, I might as well put up these pictures of our budding musician. It turns out she liked to eat the "sticks" almost as much as she liked drumming. But, as her Papa Dyer said, she's just getting ready for the Davidson jazz band.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Messy face!

Lucy loves vegetables (at the moment more than sweeter stuff). We'll see how long this lasts- one reason she may love them so much could be the great mess they make when she rubs them all over her face.

Easter 2007

Lucy had a great time celebrating Easter Sunday at Nana and Papa's. She had a little Easter basket (no chocolate yet, though). I think her favorite thing was wearing her "easter bonnet" (she really does love hats!)