Wow, it's been a long time since we've updated the blog. We had a great time in Massachusetts for Christmas, including seeing friends on the way up and family on the way back to NC. We are excited to be expecting a new Dyer- a boy- in late June! And, in preparation for our growing family, we have bought a new house in Charlotte- just 4 miles southeast from where we are now. Here are a bunch of photos of Lucy's recent adventures.
Swinging at Papa and Nini's:

Crazy hair in the morning!

Hanging out with Daddy and Greer at Beech Mountain (mommy was taking photos)Lucy's nose had a run-in with the road while we were hiking- she was fine, but that's why her nose is scratched:

Lucy loves talking on the phone:

And playing peekaboo:

Lucy enjoyed smelling the flowers in our front yard (until she figured out how to pick them):
She loves her baby:

New sunglasses! (you can hear her "please", but she did not want to clap like a seal- didn't stop mommy for trying...):